Wednesday, July 22, 2009

JuJljuly 25,2009 has been announced as the "Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran " by the human rights activists for the following purposes :y 25,2009 has been announced as the "Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran " by the human rights activists for the following purposes :
1) Civil and human rights for the people of Iran
2) Stopping the abuse of power—the imprisonment, torture and killing
Solidarity with the Iranian people. To our Iranian brothers and sisters: We have heard your voices, and you are not alone. 1) Civil and human rights for the people of Iran
2) Stopping the abuse of power—the imprisonment, torture and killing
3) Solidarity with the Iranian people. To our Iranian brothers and sisters: We have heard your voices, and you are not alone.

Join this unprecedented

wave of global citizen activism in solidarity with the people of Iran. On July 25, participate in an event in one ofmore than 60 cities around the world.

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